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Debunking 5 common myths about tight vaginas

Debunking 5 common myths about tight vaginas
The Muff, The Myth, The Legend
MP Edition 109

Is it alright if it isn't tight? Society has ingrained in many so deeply this concept that tighter vaginas are better, that how tight (or loose) a vagina is directly correlated to sexual pleasure.


The fact of the matter is that the vaginal canal is different for each person and has nothing to do with sexual wellness, pleasure, or your worth as a partner. The size and shape also change during your period, stretching and returning during your cycle. There are a lot of myths out there, so let’s go through and debunk them. 


Myth #1: More sex = looser vagina

Think about when you smile or yawn. Your mouth stretches but then returns to its usual shape. It’s the same with the vagina. When you’re sexually aroused, your body starts to help, you’re naturally lubricated and your vaginal muscle tissue relaxes. This is key for penetrative sex because without it, sex would be painful. In addition, vaginal tightness isn’t even a factor in what makes sex good, which brings us to our next point. 


Myth #2: Tighter vaginas = better sex.

Sexual pleasure and orgasms aren’t dependent on the tightness of the vagina. More often, it’s the opposite because when the vagina is too tight, sex can be painful. Your pelvic floor muscles contract and relax depending on how aroused you are. When you’re feeling aroused, the muscles are relaxed, making your vagina feel “looser”. On the other hand, when you feel anxious, the muscles become more engaged and “tighter.”


Vaginismus is when the vagina becomes too tight during penetrative sex. This can occur due to many things like anxiety, PTSD, or even cysts.


Myth #3: Tighter vaginas = “purer” and more desirable.

Vaginal tightness has absolutely no bearing on your worth as a person or partner. At the end of the day, a healthy vagina will provide a great sexual experience for both males and females. 


Myth #4: Giving birth = looser vagina 

First of all, childbirth is no small feat and it can cause tearing and “looseness”. The pelvic floor muscles prepare the body for childbirth by stretching and loosening, to help the baby to pass through the vagina. But it’s important to understand that it’s temporary, especially the proper steps are taken to help your vaginal walls and pelvic floor heal correctly, such as pelvic floor exercises that help increase circulation and reduce swelling.


Myth #5: Kegel exercises tighten the vagina

Pelvic floor muscles are important because they’re responsible for many things from supporting the bladder to holding in your uterus and vagina. 

Kegel exercises help;

  • Tone and strengthen your pelvic floor 
  • Improve blood flow to the genital region
  • Reduce incontinence
Kegels can be both helpful and harmful, so it’s important that you’re doing them for the right reasons, not because you feel like you need to get “tighter.” 

What DOES loosen your vagina?

In addition to childbirth, hormonal changes can also result in vaginal looseness, particularly decreased estrogen. Many types of birth control lower estrogen levels, causing vaginal dryness and pelvic pain. Age can also cause estrogen levels to drop, making the vaginal walls thinner and less elastic.


Instead of focusing on size or tightness, focus on more important factors for sexual pleasure like arousal, libidos, lubrication, communication with your partner or the different types of orgasms and self love and whatever feels good for you. 


Muff love ❤️